Another weekend, and the end of the month is nearing… I’m feeling a little stressed about my self-imposed deadline for having this round of EDWIN LEVINE rewrites done by the end of the month. I may miss it. I’m only about half way to the goal, and once again feeling slightly stuck because by tweaking a couple relationships, SO much has changed. I’ve come up what I feel should be a pivotal scene, where the main character Jen learns some really important info about her boyfriend. The info itself hasn’t really changed since my last draft, but I feel that the delivery can’t be the same. Those characters will now act differently because of the changes I’ve created :/ And I feel that I really have to nail this scene before I can move on.That’s the difference between a rough draft and revisions. With the rough draft, you just focus on getting it on paper. You worry about details later. Well, yeah, later has finally arrived. I have to remind myself it’s still the same story. The major plot points are all the same. This is only a characterization rewrite. Strengthening relationships will ultimately ramp up the stakes. Scene details will change, but most of the scenes will remain the same in spirit.
I think this may call for a Pepsi Max…
In other news, my name is finally up on The Knight Agency client page, and I’m very excited about that. It only took me a year to make a few decisions I needed to make before I felt I could link up my blog, my twitter, my facebook, and launch a new website. Ehem…wow, over-analyze much?
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