Last week was a long week, followed–thank goodness–by a three-day weekend. And I’ve been on the couch for most of it, writing and licking some old wounds…and trying to figure out how I’m going to get through these damn rewrites by the end of the month like I promised myself I would! Yikes! Yesterday when I realized it was Sunday already, I was so thankful that there was still MLK Day–additional time to reach writing goals before getting back to the grind. I had planned to plow through 100 pages by the end of the day today, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen.
On a positive note, I’m really getting into this idea of purging things that aren’t serving me anymore. So far, I’ve said so long to a bunch of beauty products that were just taking up space in my bathroom: a sickeningly scented body spray and lotion, two hair product that weren’t working for me, and a facial lotion with alpha-hydroxy in it (man, that stuff hurts my skin! So long!). I’m currently working on using up a tube of lotion that I love, but have been sort of “saving” because I can’t find where to buy more. Saving lotion is stupid! I got rid of a pair of “favorite” jeans that were so worn I was embarrassed to wear them in public anymore and two lamps that I was saving because I thought I might “fix” them one day. (Yeah, right.) And last but certainly not least, I also quit a negative thought pattern that was leading me to make less than stellar choices about how I choose to earn a living.
So as you can see, it’s been a busy week getting up to speed on my little Adios In 2012 Project. It will be interesting to see what else I get rid of this year, but I’m already so motivated because I can almost see the shelves of my medicine cabinet (and they are quite dirty…hello Windex). I have my eye on some stuff in the basement already: specifically a collection of glassware that was given to us by a neighbor in their moving sale. We thought it was really pretty, but as time goes by, we just haven’t found a use for it. A donation feels appropriate. Hopefully this spring, I can start moving through those storage areas, but we’ve entered a really cold snap. Negative 20 degrees outside, and that storage shed isn’t heated! I don’t think I’ll be going out there anytime soon to go through those tubs!! Better focus on the inside areas for the next few months.
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