Say Adios to Things That Don’t Serve You

We have a three story house. Storage space is not a problem for the first time in our lives. And in the five years we’ve lived here, we’ve managed to fill up a two story barn, a two-story storage room, a basement, and a room in the attic that was supposed to be my yoga room. Oh, we’re not packed to the ceiling yet, but it’s getting to be a problem. See, I’ve always been a pragmatic girl–never ever had a problem with chucking crap I no longer had use for. But something weird happened when I had kids. I started “saving” things. First it was rubbermaid totes of baby things…just in case we decided to have another one. Then we moved into a place with zero closet space but a really great under the stairs storage area, and hubby and I decided we needed totes to store our off-season clothes. Then obviously we needed totes for our growing Yule collection, and pretty soon we HAD to have one for Halloween and every other major seasonal celebration. So clearly, we’re swimming in totes, right? Yup. But also, there are boxes and boxes of books. And since I have no office, all that office stuff is just sitting there in boxes. I go pawing through it every now and then and now things are falling OUT of the boxes. And wow…

It has gotten to the point that I don’t even want to enter a room where we store stuff. I stand there all paralyzed and I think, “How did this HAPPEN, Celeste? You used to LOVE shoving stuff in trash bags!” I miss the way my life used to feel orderly. I miss entering my ONE storage area and knowing where to find what I was looking for. And I’m not going to sit here and gripe about it and let crap pile up one day longer.
I’m going to say adios to a bunch of stuff that is no longer serving me in 2012:
1) rubbermaid tubs of clothes that don’t fit any member of our family
2) bad habits
3) piles of papers
4) I just found a tube of lotion that smells too strong but for some reason I have not been able to throw it away. Gone.
5) magazines that have an interesting recipe or attractive looking hair-do in them (these are oh so dangerous!)
I’m sure I’ll think of others. This might make an interesting Twitter hashtag!
What do you keep around that serves absolutely no purpose in your life? How much lighter do you think you’d feel if you got rid of it?

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