Since this year’s resolutions (job with a paycheck, aggressive submissions, getting back to my authentic self, all that jazz) went so well, I thought I’d be way proactive this year and get a head start on my next year’s resolutions. I mean, why wait? Why even gain those five (or fifteen, whatever) holiday pounds if you got a head start on them in June and you already want to lose them? Why wait until January to start reading a book a week if you think it will get your creative juices flowing for your latest book idea? I want to be more productive, creative and healthy right now, so why the hell would I put that off for four and a half more weeks?
I’ve got a gym membership I’ve used like five times, and at least three friends who have asked me to meet them there. What’s my excuse for waiting until January when you can’t get a treadmill?
My TBR pile has been threatening to eat me alive for a couple years now. And at the rate I bring new books home, it’s probably not going to change even if I start reading a book a week, but on the bright side, I don’t exactly have an excuse to not start reading, do I?
The truth is that good health and reading are two excellent ways to stimulate creativity. When I get on the treadmill (if I don’t drown it out with tunes or tv), I can’t help thinking about my latest plot complication, and if I’m lucky, I might actually come up with a possible solution. And nothing gets me cranked up to write quite like the end of a really good book. (Or a bad one – I always think – if this sh!t can get published, MY sh!t can get published.)
So I’m gonna pencil in some exercise and healthy meals this week, and read a good book. Maybe I’ll get some pages written, too. How about you?
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