I received a friendly reminder to post an update the other day…and my mind immediately seized up like dear god, I FORGOT my blog. I guess time flies when you’re a busy girl. And to be honest, nothing terribly exciting is happening that is writing related. It’s been a whole lot of wait, wait, wait, nothing, despair, sob, wait, rejection letter, oh yeah well I quit!, idea?, IDEA :D, typetytypetype, no good, delete delete, wait, wait, wait… So there you have it, the life of a writer. It is SO exciting to have a book on submission! *rolls eyes*
Still clearing house, getting rid of stuff that’s in my way–it’s a pretty good feeling, and it’s catching on. My husband recently cleared out his drawers of some clothes that don’t fit and brought some stuff up from the basement that we should probably donate somewhere. But primarily I’m working a ridiculous amount of overtime to clear out some bills. I think we can all agree that debt sucks, and that although we often enjoy or need the material things we get from such a transaction, the debt itself doesn’t serve us spiritually–we serve IT. So it feels really good to pay it off. Then we can take true ownership of the thing–it is finally OURS. And we also end the master/slave relationship we feel with the lender, a relationship which makes us feel small. So that’s what I’ve been actually doing for the past many weeks. I paid off one of my son’s musical instruments last week, and I’m working on the other now. I’m tired, very tired, but it is for a great purpose.
My current writing project is really starting to take shape in my mind now. I wish that I could just sit down and make it happen, so many writers I know can just blow right through a rough draft. For me, I always have a burst of energy for it in the beginning. I’ll usually sit right down and write somewhere between one and four chapters right away. Exploratory writing is easy. It nails the main character and the premise of the plot, but the details are still too fuzzy for me to keep going. There’s this long dry spell…where I think about it every day, but can’t really figure it out. If I’m going to quit on a project, this is where it dies. Some of them I just don’t love enough to ever get an idea of where I was going with it. But usually if I wait long enough, the details will come together. I’m in the gelling phase now with this, and I’m pretty eager to begin moving forward. Just need to get in a frame of mind and clear my schedule and I should be ready to go.
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