Note to self:
Obsessively checking email and websurfing for LOLcats doesn’t get revisions done.
But sher ees funn!!
(No frendz, ees not Joopiter kitteh. But zee evil is comparable, no? Must go now. He eez reading zis over shoulder.)
Lolcats are the funniest thing on the web! I check as often as I check my email.
I’m thinking of taking a dive and making one. I have a great pic of Pandi in our bird cage – she climbed in when the bird was out playing one day, and I shut the door… Hee!
We have tried and tried to a picture of Tess to make one but she’s actually really hard to photograph well – she’s always moving around and she’ll never look at the camera when you want her to. The one we took of her in her kennel on the trip from GA to CA was the closest to lolcat worthy we have ever come.
you should SO do it. Because I want to see 🙂
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