• I don’t know about you, but I love the beginning of a new story–when every sentence is a discovery and even though you have an idea how it ends, you have no real clue how exactly you’re going to get from point A to point B. And for this new project of mine, it is…

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  • Hello Long Weekend!

    August was SUCH a busy month. I did not get much writing done in August. *sad face* But I did get a lot done internally. Have you ever noticed how things usually work like that? I noticed back in early August that this current round of rewrites was not going as smoothly as I’d imagined,…

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  • What I have to say today is not going to be witty. It may not be popular. It may even make some people I know and care about a little mad. But because of what I see every day where I work, I feel very strongly about it–strong enough that I’m willing to cause some…

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  • So I am working again–or still–on rewrites. (I must admit I’m not sure anymore.) It is definitely getting to that point where if I have to rehash this scene one more time, I’m going to gouge my eyeballs out. And yet, I know with 100% certainty that I will have to revisit every scene in…

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  • I have decided I hate my new template. It’s like a new haircut you see in a magazine. You think HOW CUTE. My hair would do that, wouldn’t it? Then you go to sleep picturing how CUTE you will be with your new hairdo. So you take it to your hairdresser, and he says, YES,…

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