• Jimminy Crickets! Time flies when your having fun. March is always a crazy time of year for me. It seems like family, volunteer adventures, and educational pursuits always come crashing together and like, kersplode! or something. My rewrites got kind of lost in there for a few weeks. Which is mostly frustrating because I’m so…

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  • So yesterday after bitching and complaining about Murphy, I managed to write a 15 page Epilogue on HOF. Which is awesome because it was a big item on the short list of things my lovely agent told me she really wanted me to accomplish before she sent me a long list of line-edits, which I should…

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  • That Bastard Murphy

    Normally when life hands me lemons, I make cocktails, but today I’m dangerously low on Grey Goose. As you know, I am now agented and have entered a new stageĀ along this fantabulous soul-sucking journey to publication. Which means I get to say annoying things that begin with “omg, my agent said…” Blah, blah, blah. I…

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  • I’m home with a sick kid today. A sick kid that doesn’t look sick really, and is in fact at this very moment playing Wii Bowling. My intuition and parenting skills are currently at war (as they often are with this child in particular, he is a mystery wrapped in an enigma). Everything in my being…

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  • So I’ve pinched myself nonstop for about two weeks straight, and so far I’m STILL awake, and my good fortune hasn’t evaporated or anything like that. So I think it’s time to just tell my great news, regardless of whether I can believe it or not – I SIGNED WITH THE KNIGHT AGENCY!! And this…

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