• Making Time to Write When You’re Overworked and Just Plain Exhausted

    All right. Who just muttered “create a schedule”? That is exactly the kind of killjoy advice that drives people to Google in the first place. I mean if you could schedule it in, you would, right? You can’t. And that’s the problem. Making time to write is something I’ve wrestled with between working full-time and…

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  • Five Ways to Work with a Word of the Year

    It’s still January, so everyone’s minds are on the resolutions, goals, and action plans they set for the New Year. Some of us are making progress and feeling really good about ourselves, while others are already asking why we even bother. I know both feelings well. I gave up on resolutions years ago. I found…

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  • Crazy Hair: A Memoir of Self-Doubt or Self-Love. (I havent figured out which yet.)

    My hair is a bit provocative. In the course of a single day, it can draw both raving compliments and ugly criticism. It causes normal people to do weird things like try to pat a complete stranger. I’ve been sniffed, okay? A simple change of style can evoke feelings of betrayal. People look at me…

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  • Do You Keep Deleted Scenes?

    I used to keep a deleted scenes folder. Every time I needed to cut a passage from a manuscript, I was reluctant to actually delete it, so I would put it in this folder instead. I told myself those passages were good writing, and someday, I might use bits and pieces in another story. The truth…

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  • Should You Edit As You Write?

    The question is some form of: should you throw down a crappy first draft or should you edit as you write? Every day, I see writers praising the crappy first draft and encouraging new writers to just get it all onto the page. You can fix a mess later, they say. You can’t fix a…

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