• The struggle is not only real, it’s the path

    The problem is not struggle itself, it’s that we’re afraid of it. We see struggle as pain and pain as danger. We want to avoid it or kill it. Or we see the discomfort up ahead, and we dearly hope that if we just make ourselves into a tree or a rock, it will eventually…

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  • How to Approach Revisions: Big Stuff First

    When starting revisions on a new project, there can be a huge temptation to focus on correcting fine details like word choice, sentence rhythm, spelling, and that kind of stuff. Writers do this for a number of reasons. Newbie writers, who are still learning basic writing skills, might be using a novel as a playground…

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  • Starting a New Novel

    I’m just starting work on a new novel, so this seems like a great time to talk about turning ideas into stories. Of course, there’s no magic formula, and if anyone ever tells you there is, you should be very suspicious. But there’s no harm in reading what other writers have to say about their…

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  • Arachne Reads June 2017

    Relentless flexibility. That was my coach’s advice this spring as we wrapped up a series of calls around me getting my butt in gear. I’d had big plans for myself after finishing graduate school. My shiny MFA was in hand. I was going to focus on my coaching certificate next, and then start taking clients.…

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  • Shiny New Shortcomings

    Yesterday was the first new moon with my brand new moon journal circle AND the day I had scheduled my first *Renew* post for my new and improved blog, The Arachne Project. Isn’t that crazy? I don’t even know what I was thinking, except that it was all shiny and new, and I wasn’t thinking? So last…

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