Blog Posts
Is your commitment to your writing path being tested? If so, this reading might be for you. Two of Pentacles: You’ve been juggling all your must do’s with your want to do’s for so long now. You’re understandably tired. You never say it out loud, but you’ve often wondered if you should just walk away.…
It’s still January, so everyone’s minds are on the resolutions, goals, and action plans they set for the New Year. Some of us are making progress and feeling really good about ourselves, while others are already asking why we even bother. I know both feelings well. I gave up on resolutions years ago. I found…
I’m a recovering perfectionist. I’m limiting the amount of perfection I’ll allow in my daily thoughts, my interactions with my friends and family, and in my creative process. Limiting, not banning, because perfectionism is an extreme disease. It feeds on phrases like “always” and “never” and “can’t” and “must.” My perfectionism would have a field day…
It took me years to admit I wanted an MFA in creative writing. I mean, YEARS. When I first graduated college, I would have laughed in your face if you told me I’d be willing to write admissions essays and fill out that stupid FAFSA again. But by the time my sons were starting school, I started…