Blog Posts
I am out of the loop. Figuratively and literally. I haven’t even read my blog roll or checked my yahoo loops since…ohhhh… August? Mostly that’s because I’m doing another show and that’s what’s keeping my creative spirit entertained. But it’s also family and chores and work, and a myriad of other things that a person…
I’ve been interested in palmistry for many years. As a teenager, I bought a book about it, and developed what I considered a very healthy love and skepticism for the art. I mean, palm reading is a very involved art, and it’s entertaining as all get out, but how could all that information about your…
Writing is so hard. I used to think it was funny the advice “Quit, if you can” was funny. But that was before I had really become addicted to it. Writing was always something fun for me as a kid – a break from reading books and watching movies. I wrote a lot of horror…
Neglecting the blog inevitably means I’m neglecting the writing. And that just blows, to be honest. I’ve kind of given up even trying to find the time to write, and you know what? It’s not working for me. At all. I’m not finding more hours in my day for other things I need to be…