Blog Posts
So the second half of 2012 went by in a blur as I did two community theater productions and switched day jobs TWICE in that time frame (for a grand total of THREE unique jobs this year! I must be nuts. That is the only explanation for this behavior). My cat also got terribly sick…
Ahhhh. Rainforest Nut Green Mountain Coffee. It’s the first full day of summer vacation (for the boys), and the sun has not come out as the weatherman promised. Not cool. I have a feeling of entitlement around this. The sun should come out because, after a long year of nonstop learning, my kids deserve it.…
I received a friendly reminder to post an update the other day…and my mind immediately seized up like dear god, I FORGOT my blog. I guess time flies when you’re a busy girl. And to be honest, nothing terribly exciting is happening that is writing related. It’s been a whole lot of wait, wait, wait,…
Wow, is it *that* time already? I blinked and February was gone. It really was an extremely productive month though. I changed jobs at the end of January, so that has been an adjustment–one that has been good for me, but took some time to get used to just the same. But more importantly, I…
I’m still trying to decide if I like Twitter or not. The truth is, I’m leaning toward not. Maybe it’s because I work Monday through Friday and checking my tweet stream there is really out of the question except for perhaps during a break. But that feels like popping in on a really hopping party…