Blog Posts
I recently posted a fairly innocent Facebook status update about how I felt learning that my 5th grade son received a 2 (out of 4) on a Service-Learning project, and I must admit, I was surprised at some of the responses I got. In fact, I pulled the entire thread because I felt the discussion…
The reason I ask is because I’m reviving one of mine. Yes, reviving, not revising. The sad truth is, I had given up on it becoming a book a number of times. But every time I give up, I feel bad and come back to it. Because I know it has potential. I know it…
I was going to get on the bandwagon and tweet about this, but alas, my response will take WAY more than 160 characters. So I’ve decided to get up on my soapbox AGAIN!! I know, that is twice in one month. I’m becoming very opinionated 😉 (Those that know me would laugh at that, btw.)…
I’m working on that opening up thing. I thought I would answer the all important question: TEAM PIRATE. I wanted to be a ninja, but I can’t throw a decent kick. Any questions?
How To Be Supportive of Others or Blowing Out Other People’s Candles Won’t Make Yours Shine Brighter
Now that my book is officially on submission, and I’ve officially told everyone I know that the game is ON, a lot of folks are asking: “what’s next?” Well, I guess the obvious answer is: “lots of waiting.” And then that opens up a whole other line of dialogue, plenty of which is helpful and…