I’m not a big new year’s resolution person. I guess that’s because I always feel there’s a negative connotation to the term resolution – resolutions always seem to end up in the ditch by the end of January. I prefer goals. Goals aren’t shot if you screw up in mid-January. You can just get back on track – keep plugging away, trudging ahead and get there by December. I like that.
So I’ve been giving my goals a good long hard thought since… uh… last year when I was at home blogging about goal setting and I got sidetracked by a really neat job offer. (Never did finish that blog series…) Anyway, I think I have a few good goals this year:
1. I’m going to become more financially aware, become a partner in our family affairs, and begin socking away some cash for retirement. While I’ve never been a huge fan of the “money makes the world go round” mindset, hubby and I have had a lot of financial changes this past year and a half between us becoming homeowners, me working full time, and obviously the recession. Also in the face of another deployment for hubby, this just seems like the wisest goal I’ve had in a long time.
2. I’m going to keep writing. While I’d like to have some sort of goal about writing MORE or exactly how much, I realize I can’t create more hours in a day and my writing is at the mercy of my family and my job. On the bright side, I’ll be working less overtime, so that should help me find more pockets of time to tap on the keyboard.
3. I’m going to say no. A lot. I don’t know at what point I realized this year that I’ve been saying yes so often to others that I don’t “have time” to say yes to myself, my husband, old friends, or my kids anymore. It’s ridiculous. I mean, it’s fine to raise your hand when someone needs help, but you have to know the signs that you’re tapped out.
Happy New Year!!
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