
I’m a Bridge, and I’m Burning

I’m a bridge between worlds⁣
I kept their feet dry⁣
Let them cross over me and back⁣
To their own beds⁣
Safe by nightfall⁣
They wanted me to take them⁣
To the other side⁣
So they could say they know⁣
How it feels ⁣
I’m a bridge, I’m on fire⁣
I kept your feet dry⁣
Let you cross over me and lay flame⁣
Set my deck⁣
Ablaze by nightfall⁣
You wanted me to take only you⁣
To the other side⁣
So you could say to everyone⁣
How you feel⁣
I’m a bridge, and I’m burning⁣
For connecting two worlds⁣
For letting them cross me again⁣
Light the sky⁣
Sparks at nightfall ⁣
They wanted me to break⁣
Stay on their side⁣
So they could tell me⁣
How to feel⁣
I’m a bridge, I’m still standing⁣
Still connecting these worlds⁣
I’ll let you cross over and back if you⁣
Hold your fire⁣
As the night falls⁣
Let me walk you home⁣
When you’ve seen the other side⁣
So we can tell each other⁣
How we feel

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