I’m still trying to decide if I like Twitter or not. The truth is, I’m leaning toward not. Maybe it’s because I work Monday through Friday and checking my tweet stream there is really out of the question except for perhaps during a break. But that feels like popping in on a really hopping party for five minutes and then having to leave the minute your favorite song comes on and your BFF shows up with her new hairdo, wearing an outfit she has no business wearing, wanting to talk about the latest episode of TVD. Yeah, not the greatest feeling. So I usualy check in at night to see if anything interesting is being discussed and spend some time on there during the weekend and that is much better. But I feel like you have to be fairly focused on watching your stream to really get anything out of it. The snippet style, which seems perfect for other busy peeps, makes me feel frantic. I still feel like I’m at that aforementioned party, shouting short sentences and hoping someone hears me. Which, despite what people think I’ll be like at a party when they first meet me, isn’t at all who I am. I dig small groups, intimate acquaintances, deep discussion, peppered with lame (and sometimes shallow) inside jokes. Although I think Twitter is an interesting forum, I still like blogs best. When I hit my blogroll with a Pepsi-Max and Twinkie in hand I feel myself relax. But have you noticed how the blogsphere feels more disconnected lately? With people leaving blogger and live journal for wordpress, etc, there are all these new apps and widgets that have come out to link different interfaces up and stay connected, but seriously… that just takes all sorts of time and invites MORE data mining, which raises all sorts of questions in the back of my overly active brain. I mean, how many things do we need to be logged into at any one given moment? Does everyone else NEED to know every single article you read? I mean feel free to share the ones that resonated with you, but every article you clicked on? Just…NO. And how do you remember all those log-ins if you make them unique like you’re supposed to? And if you give up and use the same one for everything so you can remember, HOW can you really be upset if your information gets hijacked or misused? It is exhausting.
And speaking of exhausting. Is anyone else tired of FB and Google and everything else making changes every five seconds? I realize that technology is changing constantly and that we have a need to keep up, but seriously, it would be nice if something would stay familiar and comfortable for a little while.
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