Murphy Tapped Out… I think…

Jimminy Crickets! Time flies when your having fun. March is always a crazy time of year for me. It seems like family, volunteer adventures, and educational pursuits always come crashing together and like, kersplode! or something. My rewrites got kind of lost in there for a few weeks. Which is mostly frustrating because I’m so close to being done with them. All I really need to do at this point is a read-through (which will inevitably result in more tweaking), but I’m glad I resisted the temptation to hurry and get it done. At the moment, I seem to have that bastard Murphy in a submission hold, and I think he may have just tapped out of this round! Both of our computers are back up and running, so that’s one mess straightened out. I can see! I have new contact lenses. My class is done (*sad face*, it was a very enjoyable class). The trip I had planned for the weekend was cancelled due to one April Fool’s blizzard, which again, was disappointing to me because I was looking forward to it. But on the bright side, I now seem to have the rest of the weekend to do a read-through.

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