I decided that going with the flow, although a worthy new year intention, wasn’t quite enough. It’s so general, it’s almost a cop out, isn’t it? Although surrendering is hard for me, I do have a few other items I’d like to accomplish in 2012, and I’m hoping this flow I speak of will help me accomplish them with ease! And I do believe they are each for the greater good, as they will certainly lead to a happier ME who can serve my family and community better!
1) Finish my rewrites of my current project before the end of January. I think this is reasonable if I get down to business and quit procrastinating now that the holidays are over. I’m about 2/3 of the way to my goal. Just need butt in chair time. I will probably need to get demanding, which I hate, but it won’t get done otherwise.
2) Continue work on my super sekrit project, which I am still more than excited to write. I would like to have a very strong draft done by summer, and I would like to have a full proposal done by the end of the year.
3) Find a YA writing partner. I’m not really into crit outside of general yes it works, or no, it doesn’t and here’s why. I’d like someone to brainstorm rewriting issues with, someone with a good eye toward the final product, someone who likes my writing and vice versa! I’m not super high maintenance, but it is good to have a few different opinions.
4) Focus on my health more throughout the entire year. As in more veggies, more yoga, more walks, more quality rest and meditation. I don’t want to make any weight loss goals, or dietary restrictions, or rigid workout schedules, as I know the moment the going gets tough, those aren’t likely to stick. But I’m aiming for a general mindset of health. I have always been a health conscious person, and this past year or so, I have absolutely said, F-it. I’ve gained some weight, but mostly, I just feel less flexible and strong. Less able. Just thinking about health and making better daily choices should get me back on track, and with any luck fuel 1&2.
Rewrites are back in earnest starting tomorrow. Because I have the entire day off, and I have no plans I’m committing to 2 2-hour blocks of uninterrupted writing. There’s a small chance my mom will call and want to get together, so in that event, I will settle for 2 hours. Signing off to do some preparatory reading!
What are your New Year’s Intentions?
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