oracle cards with symbols knife and wing

New Moon Journal Prompt

oracle cards with symbols knife and wing

We have a knife and a wing. If you feel like someone or something is holding you back from reaching your full potential, this moon journal prompt is for you.

What is this thing or who is this person?⁣

The Truth is hard to face. You can blame the other person or the situation, but remember it’s you that chooses to stay. Why do you choose things and people who keep you locked in limitations?⁣

Take a moment and connect deeply with whatever feelings are coming up for you.⁣

Is it a sense that you can’t actually do better? Or maybe you’ve been working on it, but nothing seems to be panning out and you just feel stuck? Are you afraid of something that will happen if you free yourself? Do you think you’ve worked hard enough and someone should now change and fix this for you? ⁣

Don’t judge your feelings because you can’t address them if you’re judging. Write them down, and allow yourself to observe them outside of you.

Now take a moment and ask yourself if none of these feelings were a factor, what would you do? Would you stay put or would you cut yourself free and fly?⁣

Can you see this differently? Can you see yourself free? How does it feel to be free? Which do you choose? The knife or the wing?

Don’t forget to set your intentions for the New Moon cycle. You can have more of what you want. An inner shift will bring it to you. <3