No Contest. Bad Cessie.

So I don’t know what I was thinking, but I was going to enter my wip in the Stiletto this year. I am almost halfway done with it, and I pretty much know how it ends – and I thought, gee, some feedback on it might be good at this point – a contest might tell me whether I’m on my mark or not – give me a clue how it’s going to be for the reader… fast enough plot turns? character development working for ya? compelling package? I always edit ruthlessly as I write, so my draft is in good shape… All I had to do was write the synopsis.

Uh… yeah… that’s kind of a MASSIVE problem….when your getting started at nine pm and the deadline is in THREE HOURS and you don’t know exactly what happens to get your characters from the MIDDLE to the END of the story!!! I mean, really, I know what happens up til page 136, which is where I left off, and I have a pretty specific idea what the last few scenes are going to be, but what the HELL made me think I could just dash off a synopsis I wouldn’t be embarrassed to attach my name to when all I have is a vague inkling of an idea of how to connect the two? Fah.

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