I want to become the earth I want to lie down on a bed of crisp leaves Close my eyes and slip Inside the dank scent of rot Let the wind blow over me Lift my skirt Tickle my thighs Sigh against my ear as dark finger-like roots caress me Take my hands, break me…
Perhaps I was not as lost as I thought Perhaps I only needed to find That small still part of me that shined And fill it with the Violet Breath Hold it aloft, alighted, and enlightened Lantern that it was And set it free Perhaps I should not have celebrated my darkness My fears and…
I am between worlds and walls. Trapped in space and time between here and there and nowhere, between then and now and never. I am between ways I once was and wanted to be, and am not quite measuring up to. While in other ways I have surpassed all expectations, yours and mine, in the…
Is your commitment to your writing path being tested? If so, this reading might be for you. Two of Pentacles: You’ve been juggling all your must do’s with your want to do’s for so long now. You’re understandably tired. You never say it out loud, but you’ve often wondered if you should just walk away.…
Time stood still that day. A Polaroid moment I carry in the photo album of my mind, tucked between pages of dirty bare feet, watermelon seed spitting contests, fresh apple pie, government cheese, and lightning bug night lights. My sister and I were six and eight, and it had already been a hard year at…