in real life
I received a friendly reminder to post an update the other day…and my mind immediately seized up like dear god, I FORGOT my blog. I guess time flies when you’re a busy girl. And to be honest, nothing terribly exciting is happening that is writing related. It’s been a whole lot of wait, wait, wait,…
Wow, is it *that* time already? I blinked and February was gone. It really was an extremely productive month though. I changed jobs at the end of January, so that has been an adjustment–one that has been good for me, but took some time to get used to just the same. But more importantly, I…
Last week was a long week, followed–thank goodness–by a three-day weekend. And I’ve been on the couch for most of it, writing and licking some old wounds…and trying to figure out how I’m going to get through these damn rewrites by the end of the month like I promised myself I would! Yikes! Yesterday when…
We have a three story house. Storage space is not a problem for the first time in our lives. And in the five years we’ve lived here, we’ve managed to fill up a two story barn, a two-story storage room, a basement, and a room in the attic that was supposed to be my yoga…
August was SUCH a busy month. I did not get much writing done in August. *sad face* But I did get a lot done internally. Have you ever noticed how things usually work like that? I noticed back in early August that this current round of rewrites was not going as smoothly as I’d imagined,…