in real life

  • My horoscope (Sagittarius, for the record) says this is going to be a SWELL month, and I’m all “THANK GOODNESS” because 2010 was a ripper of a year for me. The stars predicted turmoil and boy, I guess I held out my little dish and begged for an extra helping – “please sir, I want…

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  • Yellow Peeps

    Easter morning. We’re trying to catch a few more zzz’s. But the nine-year old has other plans for us. Jumping on bed, he is vibrating with from his sugar intake. His lips are moist with a mixture of melted chocolate and jelly beans, but he’s trying to keep his voice cool as he explains to…

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  • I went for a walk today and it was fabulous! What a gorgeous day. And let me tell you, the exercise is much needed. This is probably in the vein of TMI, but whatever, I have gained about 15 pounds since I started my job. That’s more than a pound a month!! How’s that for…

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  • What’s 20/100?

    Thing One’s annual school eye exam results – that’s what. This explains a lot of things. Such as why he has to sit so close to the television. Why he can’t catch a pigskin missile if it’s not launched within ten feet of him. And why he told his teacher he couldn’t read the board…

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  • Not So Great News

    We’re about two weeks out from opening night on the Full Monty, so needless to say, I’m not doing much else with my spare time. We’re supposed to be off book now, and the set is just being rolled in (we hope!) today. So today’s rehearsal should be… interesting. And rather long. But it’s days…

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