
  • Five Ways to Work with a Word of the Year

    It’s still January, so everyone’s minds are on the resolutions, goals, and action plans they set for the New Year. Some of us are making progress and feeling really good about ourselves, while others are already asking why we even bother. I know both feelings well. I gave up on resolutions years ago. I found…

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  • Starting a New Novel

    Starting a New Novel

    I’m just starting work on a new novel, so this seems like a great time to talk about turning ideas into stories. Of course, there’s no magic formula, and if anyone ever tells you there is, you should be very suspicious. But there’s no harm in reading what other writers have to say about their…

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  • So after another loooong weekend spent on the couch, I officially hit the two-thirds marker on my HOF rewrites, that’s page 219 of 313. Woohoo! Less than 100 pages to go! I seriously think it’s all down hill from here. The most heavy changes were in the first half of the book. There are only…

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  • Now that 2011 is almost entirely behind us, everyone is thinking ahead to 2012. The great unknown is exciting! YES, a fresh start! But it’s a little scary at the same time. I used to make the same new year’s resolutions every year. You know: eating better, exercising daily, losing weight, writing more, reading a…

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  • Another new year is about to dawn and I’m all “Whoa there, Silver, what happened to 2011?” It seems like it went by in a flash, and there have been times in the past three months when I felt frustrated that I wasn’t writing as much as I ought to be. I mean, hello. I…

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