When starting revisions on a new project, there can be a huge temptation to focus on correcting fine details like word choice, sentence rhythm, spelling, and that kind of stuff. Writers do this for a number of reasons. Newbie writers, who are still learning basic writing skills, might be using a novel as a playground…
*SPOILER ALERT* This is my friendly warning that I might ruin the story for you if you haven’t read it. Arachne Reads is a discussion, not a teaser 😉 This month on Arachne Reads, I’m posting about YA horror novels by women writers, and first up is The Rules by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguié. This book…
I’m plotting a massive rewrite. To be completely honest, I’m feeling pretty intimidated by the size of the mess I have in front of me. But this story is one of my favorites, and it’s a really solid potential follow up to Edwin being the same teen lit type of story, so I’ve decided it…