
  • How to Approach Revisions: Big Stuff First

    When starting revisions on a new project, there can be a huge temptation to focus on correcting fine details like word choice, sentence rhythm, spelling, and that kind of stuff. Writers do this for a number of reasons. Newbie writers, who are still learning basic writing skills, might be using a novel as a playground…

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  • Starting a New Novel

    Starting a New Novel

    I’m just starting work on a new novel, so this seems like a great time to talk about turning ideas into stories. Of course, there’s no magic formula, and if anyone ever tells you there is, you should be very suspicious. But there’s no harm in reading what other writers have to say about their…

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  • Arachne Reads: The Rules

    *SPOILER ALERT* This is my friendly warning that I might ruin the story for you if you haven’t read it. Arachne Reads is a discussion, not a teaser 😉 This month on Arachne Reads, I’m posting about YA horror novels by women writers, and first up is The Rules by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguié. This book…

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  • Plotting a Rewrite

    I’m plotting a massive rewrite. To be completely honest, I’m feeling pretty intimidated by the size of the mess I have in front of me. But this story is one of my favorites, and it’s a really solid potential follow up to Edwin being the same teen lit type of story, so I’ve decided it…

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