…the newest manuscript is officially on submission. I sent out two queries as the first wave of a kind of a test run – I think it’s safe to say that if you send out a handful of queries and none stick – then there’s either something wrong with your query letter or your book sucks. I’m pretty sure the book doesn’t suck. So when I received what was almost the fastest rejection known to (wo)man the next day(the fastest I ever got was 10 minutes in the middle of the night! *giggle*), from an agent who has previously requested my work, I naturally thought, uh oh. However, a week later, the second query turned into a “more please”. So yay 🙂
Because I do hate the nail-biting suspense-fest that is submissions, I think I’m going to focus a little on the holidays (because EEK! I have wrapping to do). And I might just work on another project to take the edge off. Because nothing distances the heart from a project more than falling in love with another one 😉
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