So I am working again–or still–on rewrites. (I must admit I’m not sure anymore.) It is definitely getting to that point where if I have to rehash this scene one more time, I’m going to gouge my eyeballs out. And yet, I know with 100% certainty that I will have to revisit every scene in this manuscript numerous–MANY more times. Dear friends, it’s going to be very pirate-like of me, but do you think I can pull off an eye patch when it’s not Halloween? How can something you love so much be so hard??
And meanwhile, there lies my work in progress on the back burner, ready for me to get back in gear to finish it. And oh yeah, that shiny brand new super sekrit series idea that I am frothing to start working on.
Some days I just want to ask someone who’s been where I’m trying to go: does it ever get easier? Do you ever get to stop feeling like a one-armed paper hanger? Do you ever stop veering off in the middle of conversations with normal people, and suddenly realizing they’ve glazed over because you’re talking about your characters and their development like they are sitting in the same room?