I did a little redecorating around the old blog and twitter account the other night. Still trying to decide if I’ll keep it, but I like it for now–at least until I sell and know for sure what my debut novel will be. I really wanted something that reflected my writing style as well as my personality–which sounded simple enough, but in actuality, it is HARD because like most gals, I’m terrible complicated. It might be easier if I were a total girly-girl or a rebel or a goth (well I *am* a girly-girl, but not the pastel kind, and I *am* kind of a rebel, but in a really straight-laced dorky way, and okay, so I *love* black and one of my manuscripts is a romance between a goth and a prep, but that doesn’t mean I can get away with decorating my blog with little skulls). Decisions, decisions. So I went with girly, dark, and pretty, which I hope is how people will see my writing.
In other news, I am plugging away at another novel. Because that’s what you do after you bag your dream agent. You don’t get to sit and slurp frappuccinos while you wait for it to sell for a couple of reasons…
1) Dream agents are directive creatures who don’t sit around while selling your novel. They are ferocious bubbly multi-taskers who read, dress small children for school, create spreadsheets, and email you status updates all while dodging natural disasters, vacationing at the beach, and packing for RWA conferences and the like (oh and possibly writing their own books). People like this expect the same unnatural energy level from you. And if you don’t deliver, you feel poopy. So you drink PEPSI MAX. And you write.
2) Dream agents aren’t content to shop just one book. They want to know what you have in the hopper. And if you have nothing in the hopper, see #1.
3) Waiting sucks. See #1.
So that, in a nutshell, is what I’m up to.
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