Five Ways to Work with a Word of the Year

It’s still January, so everyone’s minds are on the resolutions, goals, and action plans they set for the New Year. Some of us are making progress and feeling really good about ourselves, while others are already asking why we even bother. I know both feelings well.

I gave up on resolutions years ago. I found myself in the failure camp too often, and I suspected I could be more productive if I just stopped. I do still tweak my five year writing plan around the New Year and set some flexible quarterly goals with actionable steps. But for the past three years, I’ve done something else at the New Year. I’ve been selecting a Word of the Year. This practice has been more affirming than any resolutions or goals ever were for me. And I’ve noticed a lot of other people are catching on and sharing their words on their social media feeds. Maybe you’ve noticed, too.

Maybe you’ve heard people talking about their Word of the Year and wondered what the heck that is and how you go about choosing one. Or maybe you even selected one yourself and now you’re thinking, “Yay. What do I even do with this now?”

So what is it? It’s simply a word that means something to you, that you want to be guided by or inspired by this year.

If you’re interested in choosing a Word of the Year, it’s definitely not too late, and it’s definitely not some mystical process that you need a psychic, some herbs, and a palmstone to uncover. (Although I love having a friend read cards for me.) You can do it yourself using some oracle cards or your trusty thesaurus.

I use an oracle deck because I’m a spiritual kind of gal. I clear some space, set an intention to pull a card that will guide me in the following year, shuffle, and draw. If you’re a more practical type, you can just pick any word that resonates with you or inspires you toward where you want to go.

As for what you can do with your word, here are five ways you can work with it throughout the year:

1. Pin your word up where you can see it every day.

  • Make a collage if you’re a crafty genius.
  • Print it and put it in a cute frame in your workspace.
  • Write it in fancy marker script on your planner.
  • Put a practical post-it note on your mirror in your bathroom.
  • Every time you read it, let it remind you what you want to be focusing on and where you’re going.

2. Meditate with your word.

  • Say the word as you inhale.
  • Hold and notice what it brings up in you. Is it pleasant or triggering? Don’t cling, just notice.
  • Exhale, and release the word and feelings.
  • When you come out of meditation, you might have some unexpected revelations about what your word means to you.

3. Journal about your word.

  • Once a week, once a month, whenever you feel called, write about it.
  • What does your word mean to you in this moment?
  • How can you address any triggers it’s bringing up?
  • What does the opposite of this word mean to you?
  • Do you identify with this word or do you simply wish you did?
  • Go deeper if you want. Write down what comes up for you in meditations.

4. Start looking for your word when you’re out and about.

My word this year is COURAGE.

Whenever I’m out and about, I’m looking for it, and I’m noticing it. Sure, I see it online: in tweets, articles, podcasts. We know how digital marketing works, so that’s no surprise.

But what’s cooler is when I see my word at the store, when I hear it on the radio in my car, or when a friend randomly sends me something with my word right on it.

I take that as an affirmation that I’m tuned in to the word and I’m becoming aligned with it.

5. Let your word guide you.

Use your word as a compass when setting goals, drafting action steps, and making to do lists. If your word is COURAGE, like mine, ask yourself how you can take more courageous actions toward your writing goals.

When something unexpected comes up and you’re not sure how to react, ask yourself what the courageous thing to do would be and see how you feel about doing that?

Your word can inspire you or challenge you, whatever each day brings.

A Word of the Year is a simple and positive approach to the growth mindset of New Year’s. There’s no need to feel like garbage when you fail because there’s no such thing as failure. There’s no correct way to deepen your relationship with a word or value or concept. You get out of it whatever you put in. It’s all up to you.

Much love,


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